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My Student Life

      I am becoming a undergraduate student of Virginia Tech in September 2014. Learning engineering in Virginia Tech is a much fun and exciting thing for me. Engineer is a familiar word for me. Watching some outstanding building like Three Gorges Dam from Chinese news makes me know that engineers building lots of things. However, in my high school, I did not get too much information about engineer but learn more about natural science like physics and Math. As an international student from China, I choose engineering as my major in Virginia Tech because my love of Physics. Learning rules of how the world running is a quite fun thing for me. However, VT makes me know that engineers not just learn physics. They learn coding,  and mechatronics. Engineering makes me excited. Even though I am a mechanical engineer major, I still learn coding and the corporation of different engineers will build an amazing thing. I am hoping in graduate school I could participate in more computer science researches and exploring machine learning. 


First Thanksgiving day in America

First Christmas in America

Altria innovation activity- Lego robot competition!  Our robot 'solid turtle", it needs to fit in 7*7 inches box. Our team are winners! We final get Chromecast as a award!

This is our engineering project. 

in this project, I fiished all the inventor drawing by myself AND inventor design . It is a quite a fun process learn by myself. 

I enjoy this process. 

The hand looks cool!

Spring 2015

AM Ground Challenge



Research Project


Tail Robot


Senior Design

Semi- Autonomous

Golf Carts 


Senior Design 

Road Experiment

Senior Design

Golf Cart experiment


Person on the left is me

Research Topic

Human Pose Estimation



Participate in Research Topic 

Using Reinforcement Learning Algorithm to Training TurtleBot in ROS-Gazebo Environments to avoid hitting the walls.

TurtleBot is equipped with radar to detect surrounding environments. The Blue lights simulate the radar on the TurtleBot.

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